What is it about family?
Over the years, it seems like the family has become less important in our society. Birth rates are down, and divorce rates are up. The image of what the family looks like has changed as well. More and more people are living alone. What has happened to the family in our society?
The subject of family has become a very controversial topic. We tend to not talk about our beliefs and stances on families because we are worried about offending someone or breaking some sort of social standard. Well, here on my blog, I am going to be talking a lot about the science behind the family unit. I will also be adding some of my personal, religious beliefs. Please feel free to comment but keep it kind. One of the reasons we, as a society, don't talk a lot about controversial topics is because we don't always do it in a civil manner. Discussions about beliefs and views should be free of anger and full of respect for the other persons involved.
Every family is different. Nobody has a perfect family. That's the thing about family though. It's a unit of imperfect people helping each other become better. Our families are our cheerleaders, team members, psychiatrists, supporter, and teachers. Families are like snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. This blog will cover a lot of what the ideal family looks like. If your family doesn't fit the ideal, don't worry. Families are messy. Life is messy. We cannot control our circumstances, and my respect goes out to those who are working to make the best of their circumstances.
Like I said before, the image of the family has changed a lot over the years. Some people live in a one-parent household. Some families have gone through divorces and remarriages. Yet others don't have a blood related family unit at all. However, everyone is doing the best with what they have.
As humans, we have a need for intimacy. The dictionary defines intimacy as, "close familiarity or friendship; closeness." We need to feel close to others. The closeness we have with others tends to nurture the soul. In "Marriage & Family: The Quest for Intimacy" by Robert H. Lauer and Jeanette C Lauer, it states, "Healthy, fulfilled people operate from a base of intimacy. Because well-being is tied up with intimate relationships...the 'drive to establish connection and intimacy with another person is powerful' and universal".
It is the family unit that really provides us with the intimacy we need, especially between husband and wife. It is the meaningful moments that we spend with others that helps build us and them. We, as humans, are social creatures. We need close interactions with others. No one likes to feel lonely. That is why we have families and friends.
The family unit is where we get a lot of the closeness that we need. Families are important. They build us up and have our backs. I know that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the love and support of my family. It is because of them that I was challenged to grow and be better. I am grateful for my family. They mean the world to me.
I hope you continue to read my blog posts as I write about more aspects of the family, and why family is important. I hope we can learn to discuss our beliefs and views with others with an attitude of love and respect. We need each other, so we need to treat others kindly. Till next time, keep being you!
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