Waiting and Fidelity

     So, this week’s post is going to be a bit different. This week I am going to be writing about waiting until marriage and marriage fidelity. I recognize that this is a bit of a controversial topic. I also recognize that I have views on this subject that may contradict that of what the world and society tell us.

    Anyway, I believe that it is very important to wait until marriage to be sexually intimate. Sexual intimacy is an incredibly special thing that brings two people closer together. It creates a special bond. I believe it brings two people closer together in both body and soul. If you participate is sexual intimacy outside of marriage or just for recreation, it can be very damaging to yourself and the other person. You are creating a bond that will not be kept.

    We see it in media all the time. The act of sexual intimacy is downplayed as normal and part of everyday life. Those who choose to wait until marriage are portrayed as naïve or called prude. Just because everyone else is doing it does not make it right. This is something that has changed a lot over the years. It used to be quite scandalous to participate in sexual activity outside of marriage. In the days of the witch trials, a woman who had sex before marriage was considered a witch and killed. Nowadays, it is everywhere. We see it on our screens and in society. It is almost like it is celebrated.

    As someone who is into the fashion world, I know the history of the white wedding gown. The white gown was a symbol to show the groom and others that the bride had waited until marriage. White was seen as the color of purity. Now, the white gown is just a thing of tradition. For me, however, I still would like to keep that age-old meaning behind the dress. I love symbols, and I feel like it is an important one that we have forgotten in the world today.

    I also feel that knowing your partner has waited until marriage makes it more special. It shows that they have self-control and integrity. I feel like knowing that you are, truly, going to be your spouse’s One and Only is incredibly special. It would make me feel more loved and treasured. It is that intimacy that brings you closer together as a married couple.

    Of course, it is also important to stay completely loyal to your spouse once you are married. That special bond you have created can be broken by infidelity. Like I said before, sexual intimacy creates a bond between two people. It can be damaging to participate in such activities with someone who is not your spouse. I also think that it is easier to trust your partner to be faithful to you when you know that they have waited until marriage. It helps you know that they have that control and belief that you are the only one for them.

    I am not saying that it should be taboo to even talk about sexual intimacy outside the bounds of marriage. I think it is important that people are educated. It should not be treated like it is a bad thing to be sexually intimate. However, it should be taught that it is something that should be done only within the bounds of marriage. I think it is very healthy to be educated as long as it is understood how precious and special it is, and how it should be saved for when you are married.


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